
An array header is identical in form to a G-Vector. At present, the following subtype codes are defined: 0 Normal. 1 Array is displaced to another array (which may be simple). The entries in the header-vector are interpreted as follows:

0 Data Vector
This is a pointer to the I-Vector, G-Vector, or string that contains the actual data of the array. In a multi-dimensional array, the supplied indices are converted into a single 1-D index which is used to access the data vector in the usual way. If the array is displaced, then this is the array displaced to, which may be an array header. In general, array access must loop until it finds an actual data vector.

1 Number of Elements
This is a fixnum indicating the number of elements for which there is space in the data vector.

2 Fill Pointer
This is a fixnum indicating how many elements of the data vector are actually considered to be in use. Normally this is initialized to the same value as the Number of Elements field, but in some array applications it will be given a smaller value. Any access beyond the fill pointer is illegal.

3 Displacement
This fixnum value is added to the final code-vector index after the index arithmetic is done but before the access occurs. Used for mapping a portion of one array into another. For most arrays, this is 0.

4 Range of First Index
This is the number of index values along the first dimension, or one greater than the largest legal value of this index (since the arrays are always zero-based). A fixnum in the range 0 to 224-1. If any of the indices has a range of 0, the array is legal but will contain no data and accesses to it will always be out of range. In a 0-dimension array, this entry will not be present.

5 - N Ranges of Subsequent Dimensions

The number of dimensions of an array can be determined by looking at the length of the array header. The rank will be this number minus 6. The maximum array rank is 65535 - 6, or 65529.

The ranges of all indices are checked on every access, during the conversion to a single data-vector index. In this conversion, each index is added to the accumulating total, then the total is multiplied by the range of the following dimension, the next index is added in, and so on. In other words, if the data vector is scanned linearly, the last array index is the one that varies most rapidly, then the index before it, and so on.